Coccolo Cafe
Coccolo Cafe
This charming cafe with mismatched, vintage furniture and a relaxing atmosphere is a good place to recharge and enjoy the free Wi-Fi. You will find the standard Japanese cafe dishes, such as an omelet with rice, curry and pasta.
Last update: 2016-11-14
- Venue Details & Access Info
Address 137-1 Misono, Asuka, Takaichi
Access From Kintetsu Asuka Station:
- 3 minutes on foot from the station.- コッコロ*カフェ Coccolo Cafe
- address 高市郡明日香村御園137-1 137-1 Misono, Asuka, Takaichi
- Opening Time & Admissions
Opening Hours 11:00 - 19:00
Closed on Wednesdays
Budget Price is represented using $ symbols ($=low, $$$$$=high)
- Contact Details
Tel 0744-54-3039