Totsukawa Kanko Hotel Sansui
Totsukawa Kanko Hotel Sansui
With river views from most rooms, this simple but elegant inn is a good place to enjoy the relaxing mountain atmosphere. Meals are hearty, featuring grilled local meats and fish from the river below. You can enjoy the outdoor onsen with the feeling that you are right in the forest.
Last update: 2021-05-27
- Venue Details & Access Info
Address 946-1 Hiratani, Totsukawa, Yoshino
Access From Kitetsu Yagi station:
- 140 minutes by bus from the station.- 十津川観光ホテル山水 Totsukawa Kanko Hotel Sansui
- address 吉野郡十津川村平谷946-1 946-1 Hiratani, Totsukawa, Yoshino
- Opening Time & Admissions
Budget Price is represented using $ symbols ($=low, $$$$$=high)
Payment Amex / Master / Visa / Diners / JCB /
Available Foreign Languages Information in English
Capacity 9 rooms
- Contact Details
Tel 0746-64-0402
Fax 0744-64-0580